Welcome to Basket of Tots!

This website is centered around video games (mostly old ones), movies, and just anything I find interesting really. Im still actively working on it, so you may see some rough spots here and there, but im always working to improve it!

This home page you're seeing now is all (mostly) hand coded by me! So it may look like vomit, but its my vomit. All the pages used to use *this* style sheet, but have all been remade since then. I'm very thankful to that template, since it was a really helpful learning tool. So if you're on the fence about learning to make a website, i'd highly recommend checking it out!

If you want to message me about anything, just shoot me a message on discord at dictator_tots (just say you're messaging bc of the site!) or leave a comment in my guestbook!

Brand NEW button! -->


-the foodcourt has arrived!!
-made movie page in line with games
-new post about the site
-new winamp song
-coming soon removed.... for now


-new game review
-new post about the site


-new game review
-new post about the site
-tweaked about me page
-music section replaced


-Added Site section on the About me
-Spruced up the Links page


-Remade About Me page (visuals may change)
-Added things to read on about me page
-Remade Links page (visuals will change)


-Total remake of the front page!
-Added some things to old pages


-Added a guestbook!


-Polished up a few things
-expanded the links page
-laid the foundation for the about me page

song playing: Fighters from Mech Hunter OST by Mitch Murder